Main links
Since mid-2023, the UNICOS SCADA documentation is fully available online. EDMS documents referenced hereafter are for reference only.
UNICOS Framework WinCC OA
Document | Description |
Generic Framework Description | description of the content of UNICOS. |
Core Behaviour | description of the behavior of the core. |
Application Setup | How to setup an application in the UNICOS SCADA. |
Application Maintenance | Maintenance of a UNICOS application. |
Adding Front-End, Adding device | Step by step procedure to add a device and a front end in UNICOS. |
UNICOS-PVSS in-depth | Presentation of the UNICOS-PVSS (WinCC OA) internals. |
FrontEnd and Device template (zip) | zip containing template file for device and front-end to create your own package (front-end and/or device), install unCore-5.2.4 or higher and run the panel vision/unCore/unicosPackageCreation.pnl |
unicosPackageCreation (pdf, pdf, pdf) | Usage of the unicosPackageCreation tool. |
System Integrity | Step by step procedure to create a new system integrity. |
UNICOS HMI | UNICOS HMI configuration description, creating new HMI. |
Integrationg of non-UNICOS devices | Using non-UNICOS devices in a UNICOS application. |
UNICOS device access control | Description of the device access control in UNICOS and examples. |
CMW in UNICOS | Using CMW with UNICOS, a step by step example. |
LHCLoggingDB | Configuration CALS (and NxCALS) data transfert from an UNICOS application. |
ApplicationFitler | Creating filter applications in a UNICOS project. |
Document | Description |
PVSS S7 Driver Configuration | This document details the procedure to set up a PVSS S7 native driver for both, windows and Linux, and configure it to: (1) writing data to the PLC and (2) polling data from the PLC. |
Outdated documentation
Document | Description |
PVSS UNICOS 3.0 Overview | Overview of UNICOS PVSS version 3.0. |
PVVS UNICOS Application Development | Description of the installation of UNICOS and development and validation of UNICOS application with one or more front-end. |
UNICOS Training Overview | Overview of the PVSS UNICOS training. |
UNICOS Training Module 1 | PVSS-UNICOS training Module 1: overview of PVSS, PVSS-UNICOS principles, etc. |
UNICOS Training Module 2 | PVSS-UNICOS training Module 2: development of the PVSS-UNICOS application with one or more than one front-end (PLC). |
UNICOS Training Module 3 | PVSS-UNICOS training Module 3: merging two PVSS-UNICOS application. |
UNICOS-CPC (UNICOS Continuous Process Control) is a package of UNICOS.
All the documentation related to UNICOS-CPC is available online
Continuous processes are defined as industrial processes in which a material or a task is produced continuously. A continuous process begins with an initiation, it operates continuously and it ends by a cessation.
The UCPC is a framework to create process control applications. UCPC provides a set of objects libraries in both, control and supervision layers. They include Siemens and Schneider PLCs libraries in the control layer, and WinCC OA and WinCC flexible libraries in the supervision layer.
The UCPC not only provides a well defined set of objects (types) but also:
- an approach to model a process in units (IEC-61512)
- a generic environment to develop the application specific control logic
- a unified way of operating an industrial plant
At CERN, some examples of processes, where UCPC has been applied, are :
- Cryogenic systems providing cold helium to thermal loads like superconducting magnets
- Gas systems providing gas mixtures to particle detectors
- Vacuum systems where special equipment pumps enclosures
- Cooling systems providing cooling power to equipments and detectors (using water, CFC, PFC, etc.)
- HVAC systems providing ventilation in experimental buildings and underground areas
- Collimators enviromental temperatures
- ...
UNICOS CPC Widget Help
UNICOS CPC Summary Presentation
French Version English Version
All UCPC documentation help (list of links) are available online, for the latest version see below: